Safety features of cars have improved over the years, to the point that some of these features are performing various driving functions (Wilson, 2009). Volkswagen launched its new temporary autopilot that will control the car at speeds up to 80mph (Boyle, 2011). The driver can at anytime override the autopilot. It is not recommended the driver participate in other activities while the autopilot is engaged, just in case. A fully automated automobile could provide drivers, especially the physically challenged, with a freedom we have not experienced since the invention of automobiles. As someone who is in the car for at least 100 miles per day (most days) I cannot wait for this technology to be readily available. For years I have dreamed about what I could do while the car is driving me to my destination.
The autopilot car rekindles the days of the horse as the major form of transportation. A well trained horse could get you and itself home without a lot of direction. Imagine the things you could do sitting on the back of a horse.
Boyle, R. (2011, June). Volkswagen debuts self-driving ‘temporary auto-pilot’ for new cars. Retrieved from
Wilson, D.H. (2009). Cars are approaching ‘auto’ pilot mode. Retrieved from